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History GICI

The Graduate Institute of Curriculum and Instruction, the first graduate institute in the field of curriculum and instruction in Taiwan, was founded in August 1996 and began to admit students for the Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction program in the academic year 1997. Later, the In-service Master of Arts in Teaching program was established in 1998, the Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction was established in 2002, and the In-service Master of Arts in Curriculum Leadership and Management program was established in 2003.

In August 2012, the Graduate Institute of Curriculum and Instruction integrated the Graduate Institute of Educational Communications and Technology into the Graduate School of Curriculum and Instructional Communications Technology. The newly integrated institute has four degree programs: Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instructional Communications and Technology, Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction, Master of Arts in Educational Communications Technology, and Master of Arts in Curriculum, Instruction, and Learning Technologies. It combines knowledge and expertise from four major areas: curriculum, instruction, digital learning technology, and multimedia design. It aims to nurture professionals with technological and humanistic perspectives and expertise in curriculum development and instructional design, teaching and assessment methods, educational technology, and multimedia design application.